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A Lander - SI Design

A Lander - SI Design

Categories: Pet Industry
Services: SI Design

+ Space Pet program as the subsequent brand promotion of the carrier, we strengthened the brand VI in the application of the exhibition.
+ Every look in the show is evidence-based, creating differentiation while enhancing brand impression, so how sustainable are these looks? How long is the life cycle of the design? Is it possible for the user base to achieve precise recognition among the many booths?
+ For the above questions, we conducted a new round of thinking, the application of SI in the exhibition is not a precedent, according to the VI extension of the space modeling can be modularized for design and application. In addition to customer promotion and business cooperation, the unified visual modeling attributes of the exhibition increase the brand's strong recognition and enhance the visual impression at the same time to gain recognition. Bringing more added value to the brand exhibition.

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